Project Description

Izaak and his parents

Izaak and his parents

Izaak’s father wrote:”One day I was getting ready to haul some brush away and was hooking up a utility trailer to the family’s Chevy Blazer. Izaak was outside watching me hook up the trailer. Once the trailer was connected to the truck, I climbed into the Blazer. I was just ready to pull away when I heard Izaak scream at the top of his lungs–“Dad! Stop! Elleana is on the Trailer!” I jumped out and ran behind the truck. There I saw Izaak’s little sister, Elleana, trying to climb into the trailer. Elleana had climbed on the truck’s wheel, when my back was turned, and she was trying to get into the trailer. Izaak’s quick loud yelling saved his sister’s life. Izaak is a hero, and I am proud he stayed alert and yelled when he saw his sister in a dangerous situation.”
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